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Ever been at a friend's house and wanted to show off a photo you left saved on your home computer? Ever wanted to check from the office that your daughter's doing homework and not instant messaging with friends at home? Ever need to grab a file on your home hard drive when you're miles away? An age-old protocol called VNC and some free software lets you control your home computer from anywhere. In this tutorial, we'll set up a VNC (Virtual Network Computing) server on your home computer, which will let you connect to your desktop and drive it from any Internet-connected computer. Notes and warnings: Running a server and opening up a port on your home computer to the Internet is a risky undertaking. Make sure your computer has all the latest security patches, has been checked for spyware and viruses and that you're using strong passwords. The VNC protocol is not inherently secure. This how-to assumes you're comfortable with basic networking concepts. If you're scared off by the fine print, check out an easier alternative to VNC. Still with me? Read on. The Virtual Network Computing (VNC) protocol remotely controls another computer over a network. Think of it as a window into your home computer's desktop from any other computer. Your key presses and mouse clicks get transferred over the network and happen on the remote computer in real time, and anyone at the remote computer can watch the action as it happens. A few things you can do with a VNC server running at home: Start a downloading a large file, like a movie, in the morning so it's there when you get home in the evening Search your home computer's IM logs, address book or file system for important information Help Mom figure out why Microsoft Word doesn't start without having to go to her house (even though Mom would like to see you more often) Control a headless (monitor-less) machine like a media center or file server in another room in the house from the laptop on the couch VNC requires two components for a successful connection: the server on your home computer, and the viewer on the remote computer. Let's set up each component to get going. Here's how. Step 1. Install the VNC server. Windows users: TightVNC is free Windows VNC server and client software. TightVNC is a nice choice because it also allows for file transfers and high compression levels for slow connections. Download TightVNC from here: and run the installation on your home computer. Start the server, and set a password for incoming connections. TightVNC can be set to run as a Windows service, which means your Windows usernames and passwords can be used to authenticate on the VNC server connection. Be sure all your Windows passwords are set and strong, and that any passwordless guest accounts are disabled. Mac users: OSXvnc is a free Mac VNC server. Download, install, set up a password and start the server. your VNC server is connected directly to the Internet, it is now listening for Internet requests [2] on port 5900, VNC's default port (which is also configurable). Visit WhatIsMyIP from your home computer to determine its IP address and write it down. Step 2. Install the VNC client. On the remote Windows computer, also download and install TightVNC, but this time, start the viewer, NOT the server. If you're on a Mac, download the free Chicken of the VNC Mac viewer to connect to your home PC. Enter your home computer's IP address [3] and password to connect. And that's that! You're virtually sitting at your home desktop from anywhere in the world. A few extra VNC tips to chew on: For slower network connections, set the compression to "best." The window image quality will be lower, but the connection response will be snappier. Bring a VNC viewer with you on a USB memory stick so you don't have to download and install on every computer you want to use to connect to your server. Avoid having to install a server on Mom's computer; email her the 166K self-extracting SingleClick UltraVNC server for your next tech support phone session. More on SingleClick in an upcoming Lifehacker feature. read more here: